Cloud Solutions

Modernise your workforce & ensure productivity wherever you are

Solutions for the modern workforce

When you think of the components for an efficient, modern workface, where do cloud-based services sit on your list?

There’s only one correct answer – the top.

As a starting point, cloud solutions offer unrivalled flexibility both in terms of access and from a pricing perspective. Products such as Dynamics 365, a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution, not only allow your users to sign in from anywhere but also offer flexible per-user pricing.

You also save a considerable amount of time & money with cloud solutions, as often no on-premises server is required and the product keeps itself up-to-date. This means you won’t have to:

  • Pay out on the electricity to run the server
  • Keep the server up-to-date
  • Pay for a backup solution for the server
  • Spend time managing & administrating the server
  • Spend time with complicated configurations

It’s worth baring in mind that not all cloud solution offerings are the same & you’ll likely see the following acronyms used:

  • SaaSSoftware aa Service
    • Readily available software that’s accessible over the internet, i.e. Dropbox, Slack, vanilla Dynamics 365 & Microsoft Teams.
  • PaaSPlatform aa Service
    • Platforms that allow you to perform application development, such as some of the Microsoft Azure services, Google App Engine, Microsoft Power Platform & Heroku.
  • IaaS, Infrastructure aa Service
    • Cloud based infrastructure sold at a scalable level, such as Azure Virtual Machines, Rackspace, Digital Ocean & Google Compute Engine.


With all of that in-mind, you can be sure that there’s a cloud solution that works for you.

My solutions & services

CRM Customisations

Customisations to new or existing SuiteCRM systems, including custom modules, forms & workflows.

Cloud Directory Admin

Configuration & administration of cloud directory solutions, such as managing users & licensing.

Cloud Email Admin

Configuration & administration of cloud email solutions, such as platform & mailbox setup.

Custom Solutions

Configuration, setup, administration & support for custom cloud services & solutions.

Reduce your overhead now

A range of cloud solutions with immediate and long-term savings.

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